Wednesday 9 November 2011

Pictures For Evaluation

One of the shots from our 'Children's Film'.
We have successfully completed our short childrens film overall we are satisfied with the outcome. First of all our storyline was as clear as we could make it, this is in the hope that the younger viewers will understand what is happening. Along with this the acting was good, as was the camera work. We had all the necessary shots which we needed and over all the filming process was fantastic.

Having said that the film had its drawbacks too, these mainly came during the editing process, I think due to a lack of organisation and time. The editing makes the clip looked rushed and not professional, having said that our music was great and we believe the audience will be able to understand the story line.

All in all our whole film was a success, the younger viewers will be able to take away various moral's and we hope they will find it entertaining and exciting.

Pictures For Evaluation

The finished version of our 'Children's Movie' Ending Song.

Comparing and Contrasting our main character with a charater from a similar film.

Our main character in our film is Lauren Harrison. Her character is a very jumpy, shy girl that is easily startled when she hears loud noises. This time it was taken too far and she ran away whilst the children were all playing a game of hide and seek. She heard a scream, got scared, ran off and nobody could find her.
Her character in this film is very much like the little girl in Narnia Lucy Pevensi. The children that were in that film were all playing hide and seek and she hid in the wardrobe, found that it lead to some other world and got lost out there and nobody knew it even existed. this gives off the tense feeling about whether they will ever find the little girlwhich is the feeling we are trying to get across to the people viewing our film.

Target Audience

To begin with our film was aimed at a PG audience, but as the filming and editing progressed it began to look more like a U, the acting was very simple and easy to understand as was the props, the set and the whole story line. I believe that there are a lot of morals that can be taken away from our short film. The main one being friendship, it is a recurring theme throughout, the children pick each other up when they fall over play together, laugh together and of course get worried and go looking for Lauren. We were also hoping to make children want to go and play outside!

lost in the forest

What our target audience can learn from our children's film?

The target audience for our film is the ages of 3+. Our film is about a group of young friends who decide to play a game of hide & seek to keep themselves entertained. But what starts off as a game turns into a mystery, one of the characters (Lauren) goes missing and is no where to be found in the woods. The three remaining friends search the whole woods in hope of finding her, but there is no sign of her anywhere never the less they decide to continue looking for her and that is where the film finishes. One lesson that can be learnt from our film is that you must ensure you always keep your friends near and safe. If they go missing don't give up looking for them and just think they're okay, you must try your hardest to find them as they'd do the same for you. So the morale of the film is to keep your friends close to you and never give up on them.
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